Recent Presentations and Workshops
“How Close is Too Close? Avoiding Bias in Regulatory Decision-Making”, co-presented with Richard Steinecke and Erica Richler, Canadian Network of Agencies for Regulation Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.
“Disciplinary Proceedings & Lawsuits: All Nurses Need to Be Prepared!”, Luncheon Keynote co-presented with D. Martin, Executive Director, RPNAO and P. Comerford, President & CEO, Baird MacGregor Insurance Brokers LP, RPNAO 57th Annual General Meeting & Conference, London, Ontario.
“A Practical Guide to Reducing the Risk of Complaints, Disciplinary Proceedings and Lawsuits”, presented at the Nurses Entrepreneurial Footcare Association, 19th Annual Footcare Conference held in Woodbridge, Ontario.
“A Primer on the Law of Evidence for Non-Lawyers: Who the Heck are Browne and Dunn? / L’ABC du droit de la preuve pour les non-juristes: mais qui donc sont Browne et Dunn?”, co-presented with Julie Maciura, Canadian Network of Agencies for Regulation Conference.
“Nurses on the Defence”, Keynote presentation, RPNAO 55th Annual General Meeting & Conference, Vaughan, Ontario.
“Expert Evidence in Personal Injury Cases: How to Choose, Retain, Instruct and Question Expert Witnesses for Optimum Results – The Economic Loss Expert ”, co-presented with D. Welland, Osgoode Professional Development.